To publish it in the congress book, please send your Full Texts on the following word document until 20 April 2025, by e-mail, to the iletisimiksad@gmail.com e-mail address.
1. Research articles in Turkish only; Title, Summary, Abstract English and Turkish Keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Research Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, References should be prepared under the main headings. If desired, the Research Findings and Discussion sections can be written under a single title.
2. "Summary" and "Abstract" should include important research findings with the short aim of the study.
3. Scientific names of the species in the article should be in italic character and the decimal numbers should be separated by a period.
4. Graphics, maps, photographs, pictures and similar presentations should be named as “Figure”, and the presentation of numerical values as “Chart”. All given tables and pictures should be cited in the text and placed in appropriate places in the text.
5. Article layout;
a. It should be written with Microsoft Word software (docx format; Word 2007 and above) in Times New Roman font and in a single column, not exceeding a total of 20 pages, A4 paper should be double spaced with 2.5 cm margins on the edges.
b. Each article should be numbered in the article and should contain line numbers so that the lines start all over again.
c. The Turkish and English title of the article should be written in bold letters, 14 font size, centered and the first letters in capital letters.
6. Except for special cases, the “author and date” system should be used in the citations in the article. If multiple sources are to be cited simultaneously, publications must be separated by semicolons and must be given in chronological order. For example: (Surname A, 2002; Surname B et al., 2008; SurnameC, 2008; SurnameD1 and SurnameD2, 2012). In the works with two authors, the names of the authors should be separated by "and", in the works with multi-authors, "et al." ("et al." in foreign language sources) should be used. For example: Surname1 (2007), Surname1 and Surname2 (2005), Surname1 et al. (2003). It should be listed historically in the multiple use of publications with more than one author or single author, and in the use of many publications in the same year (even if the author groups are not the same), it should be separated by lower case.
7. All the literature mentioned in the text should be included in the "List of Sources". The list of references should be given in alphabetical order and according to the author-date system. If two or more publications of the same author are used, the old publication in the References List must be given first. The first letter of each word of the name of the book and chapter of the book should be capitalized. Publications of an institution should be given with the publication number, if not, the name and city of the printing press should be specified. The name of the journal in which the literature is published should be clearly written without abbreviation. While writing the sources, the first line should be left to the left and the following lines should be drawn 0.5 cm. Examples for the literature writing form are given below.
8. Scientific responsibilities of the articles belong to their authors.
Turkish Template: English Tempalte: